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The Beanfee Team
Why are Snapchat streaks so addictive?
A Snapchat feature that gets some people obsessed with maintaining their Snapchat activity. What is it and how can we learn from it?

List of Articles

The Beanfee Team
Can imagination change the world?
We all know the answer but we might not often think about how immensely important the ability to imagine really is.
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The Beanfee Team
Screen time is also for parents
Many parents constantly nag their children about their screen usage. Maybe we should all start being more mindful about our own screen time.
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The Beanfee Team
Why immersive gaming is better than casual gaming
Thousands of games are released every year but not all are equally beneficial. Learn how immersive games can help with building real life skills.
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The Beanfee Team
How social media might affect reading
Social media has changed our society, but has it changed the way we read? The answer is most likely yes but that is not necessarily a bad thing.
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The Beanfee Team
Is there such a thing as too much praise?
People have long debated how we should praise our children. Learn how to praise your child properly using proven methods.
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The Beanfee Team
Why are Snapchat streaks so addictive?
A Snapchat feature that gets some people obsessed with maintaining their Snapchat activity. What is it and how can we learn from it?
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